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Total Disc Replacement surgery is a minimally invasive spinal surgery that is used to treat degenerated and damaged discs in the spine. In this procedure, the damaged disc is removed and replaced with an artificial disc. Replacing the degenerated disc with an artificial disc preserves the natural structure and height of the spine and also restores fluid movement and flexibility. The goal of this surgery is to preserve motion and ensure patients can return to activities.
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Like other minimally invasive spine surgeries, there are many benefits of total disc replacement. Some of these benefits include:
  • Reduces damage and degeneration of other discs
  • Reduced pain
  • Faster recovery time
  • Less post-surgical complications
  • Increases range of motion and flexibility post-surgery
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Total disc replacement surgery

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There are many surgical solutions for treating degenerated and damaged discs depending upon a patient’s diagnosis, physical condition, surgeon’s training, and other factors. Your surgeon will discuss the options that are available for your situation. One of those options may include an anterior fusion surgical procedure called Total Disc Replacement (TDR) or Anterior Cervical Discectomy Fusion (ACDF) for neck (cervical) conditions, Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion (ALIF) or Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion (LLIF) for low back (lumbar) conditions.

Prodisc C is the most studied and widely used total disc replacement in the world and is an alternative to cervical fusion. With this procedure, the normal dynamic function of the spine is restored which also reduces pain.

This artificial disc restores the function of the spine through mechanisms that replace intervertebral discs that are located between the vertebral bodies encasing the spinal cord.

These discs are vital to the proper functioning of the spine as they act as shock absorbers.

The main goal of Prodisc C is to maintain mobility in the affected intervertebral disc and to reduce extra loading on the adjacent intervertebral discs.

Prodisc L total disc replacement is an alternative to Lumbar Fusion. Used for over 25 years, Prodisc L is used to maintain spinal balance and motion in patients with Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD).The previous gold standard for treatment of DDD was joint fusion which immobilized segments of the spine and has shown to increase the rate of adjacent level degeneration. Prodisc L was created to treat DDD while maintaining motion and improving spine stability.

In fact, clinical data has shown that patients had 3.5 times more development of adjacent level disease with fusion than with Prodisc L.With Prodisc L total disc replacement, recovery time is accelerated, and patients can resume their daily activities faster than other treatments like fusion.

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What is Alif?

ALIF, or Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion, is a type of spine surgery used to fuse disc space of the spinal column in the low back. This surgical approach is used to repair damaged discs and realign bones to reduce back and leg pain. ALIF surgery is performed by entering the front of the body through the abdomen (anterior). Unlike other spine fusion techniques, ALIF leaves the nerves and muscles in the back undisturbed since the approach is taken from the front.

Advantages of Alif surgery:
  • Less blood loss and less scarring because of smaller incisions
  • Less pain
  • Shorter recovery times (6-12 weeks)
  • Shorter hospital stays
  • Natural compression of the spine to support healing